Our Popular Gas Barbeque Options
When it comes to gas barbeques, if you are buying for the first time, you want to get it right. There are at least three things you need to take into consideration:
- How much do I want to spend?
- How big is my entertaining area?
- How many people will I be cooking for?
Smaller BBQ’s

If you are looking for a great BBQ that is permanent but isn’t too big the WEBER GENESIS II LX E340 is perfect, it comes with the newest Weber GS4 cooking system. The four components of the GS4 resolve all of the common frustrations of a regular gas BBQ, leaving you with food that has an amazing barbeque flavour. The tapered design gives a constant gas pressure along the burner – an even heat with no cold spots.
The GS4 infinity ignition system delivers the most consistent ignition ever seen on a gas BBQ.
Flavouriser Bars are specially angled bars above the burners allowing fat and juice to fall past the burners safely without the risk of a flare-up. Fat and juices sizzle and smoulder to create an authentic BBQ taste.
Fat Management System guides debris and fat away from the heat and into a disposable drip tray, no more fat building up around the burners.
These barbeques can cook food for 4-6 people comfortably.
Large Barbeques
- They will take up more space, so you need to have a suitable spot
- They need extra cleaning – simply due to the larger cooking surface area
- Great for the large family, or if you do a lot of entertaining
A great *entry level* larger BBQ is the WEBER GENESIS II E410 PREMIUM GAS BBQ
The Aussie BBQ just got better! With a great range of new features including:
- Full grill and one hotplate
- 4 powerful burners
- GS4 tapered burners
- GS4 cooking system
- The made-to-last Infinity Ignition
- GS4 fat management system to reduce the risk of fat fires
- GS4 angled flavouriser bars
- IGrill 3 ready – so you get perfect results every time
- Available in 2 colour choices – smoke porcelain enamel with stainless steel trim or gleaming black
Balcony Barbequing
Unfortunately, BBQ accidents are more likely to occur if you live in an apartment block, so before buying ANY BBQ for your balcony:
- Check the by-laws to see if there are any restrictions on using a gas BBQ on your balcony
- If you are leasing, check your contract for any restrictions
- If you are able to use a BBQ on your balcony:
- Never store more than one gas cylinder at a time and never store it inside
- Make sure you always use your BBQ in a well-ventilated space. Using a BBQ in an enclosed balcony is not advisable, even if your enclosure has café blinds, privacy screening or louvres, it is still risky.
Read Also:
- Options for Designing your Outdoor Kitchen
- Gas or Charcoal BBQs – How to Choose
- Small to Medium Size Heating Options
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